Welcome Message
Welcome to Petaling Jaya Gospel Hall (PJGH). We are so happy to have you connect with us. As we introduce ourselves to you here, we trust you will find the information meaningful to your needs.
Members of PJGH meet frequently for worship, fellowship as well as to learn from the Word of God, the Bible. As followers of Jesus Christ, we seek to live daily in obedience to His Word and to draw upon His strength.
Also, through the various ministries establised at PJGH, we aim to cater to the needs of members and visitors from different age groups and cultures.
We invite you to take some time to familiarize yourself with our website as it highlights who we are, our statement of beliefs, our meetings, our pastoral team and ministries.
We would love to hear from you and do let us know if you have any prayer needs, request for information, questions or comments and we will reach out to you. There is a 'Contact Us' section where you can click on the google form link or scan the QR code to fill in and submit back the electronic form for us to reach out to you.
We wish you God's blessings, and we hope you will feel at home as you 'visit' PJGH online.
Elders and Deacons
Petaling Jaya Gospel Hall
Our Sunday Service
The congregation meets every Sunday at 9am for worship, participating in Holy Communion, listening to God's word and engaging with God's people. We practice open worship* where members have the opportunity to call out hymns/songs for the congregration to sing, read a Bible passage or deliver a short sharing on the theme of the day. This is followed by Holy Communion, where all believer are welcome to participate. After Holy Communion, the children will leave for their own Sunday School while the rest of the congregation remains for a sermon. Our sermons, based on biblical truth, are designed to be relevant to daily living. When the service is over, there is time for fellowship over refreshments**. The Elders and Deacons are also available to meet and pray with anyone who has prayer needs.
Currently, our Sunday Services are hybrid in nature, where those who are unable to attend physically can worship online. Do contact our Church Office for more details.
* On the First Sunday of every month, the congregational worship will be handled by a designated worship leader or a Care and Share Group.
** Currently suspended due to Covid-19 precautionary measures.
Care Groups
We meet in small groups at homes of members on weekdays once every two weeks. We call these small groups Care Groups where we build relationships, study God's word, express God’s love to one another and grow together as followers of Jesus. This is also an important avenue for group prayer. If you are looking for a way to grow into God’s community, come join us in a Care Group near you.
Please contact our church office for more information on locations where the meetings are held.