Ministries at PJGH: Something for You?
Sunday School
Every Sunday at 10.00 – 11.15am, children from pre-school to standard six, learn about God and Jesus Christ, through songs, games and interesting lessons from the Bible.
Youth Fellowship
Youth from Form One to College years meet together every Saturday at 3.30 – 6.30 pm to worship God in song and to be taught the Bible. Following that, there is also a time of fellowship through games and recreational activities.
Ladies in Touch ( LIT )
This ministry aspires to encourage ladies to be in touch with God, with themselves and with others through enjoyable and meaningful meetings lit by the warmth of God’s love and the illuminative power of God’s word. The ladies come together on every first Sunday of each month at 3.45 / 4.00 pm.
Senior Citizens
This ministry provides for the teaching of God's word, for fellowship and for meeting the felt needs of those in their golden years.
Music and Drama
The Word. The Song. The Arts. We provide opportunities for individuals with the interest and talent in music and the performing arts to use and develop their skills in the creative presentation of God’s message.
We seek to fulfill the Great Commission by proclaiming the Gospel, making disciples and reaching all of mankind through cross-cultural ministry, overseas mission activity and church planting in and outside of Malaysia.
Evangelism and Outreach
Our mission statement is “Every Christian an effective witness for Christ through an enabling church with the power of the Holy Spirit.” The Evangelism Working Group looks into meetings, events, programs and projects whereby church members are given motivation, skills and opportunities to share the gospel with friends and seekers.
Social Concern
To grow in compassionate involvement with the needy; seeking to turn hearts to a loving Father through the words and deeds of a caring community.
Family Life
This is a ministry which journeys with church members and their families as they go through the various stages in life . Programs and initiatives include Parenting Seminars, Pre-Marital Counselling, Marriage Enrichment, etc.